On a beautiful day like today to old me would have said lets go out for ice cream, there’s a better way… Soft serve Strawberry ice cream anyone? How about if I tell you it’s ZERO points! Recipe, 1 cup frozen strawberries, 1 frozen banana, unsweetened Almond milk, Sugar free vanille syurp. Place frozen Strawberries and Banana in the food processor, start with a 1/4 cup of almond milk and 1 tab. SF vanilla syurp in the Food Processor, turn on high and let it turn it into ZERO ice cream. If to thick add a little more almond milk. I don’t even taste the banana it just taste like strawberry ice cream. 😋
Air Fried Blueberry Bagels
Air Fried Blueberry Bagels Air Fried Blueberry Bagels 3 Points Air Fried Blueberry bagels in the air fryer this morning for breakfast. 1 bagel is