Syn Free OXO Roast Potatoes


I love adding dried Rosemary to the potatoes. Using fresh Rosemary is usually better but it’s not always easy to keep this fresh. I also always use reduced salt OXO cubes too. They retain the same taste but reduce the salt content massively.

Servings: 2-3
Syns: FREE


5 Large Potatoes
1 Beef or Chicken OXO Cube
1/2 A tsp Dried Rosemary 


  • Pre heat oven to 180c and place a roasting tin in the oven to heat.
  • Heat some water in a pan to boiling point.
  • Roughly peel potatoes and slice to size.
  • Place potatoes In the pan and par boil for around 5-6 minutes.
  • Add boiling water to an average sized mug, crumble the stock cube into the mug and stir.
  • Drain the potatoes and bash about in the pan to fluff them up.
  • Remove the hot pan from the oven, place the potatoes in, pour over the stock and then spritz each potato with Frylight.
  • Season with salt & pepper.
  • Place in the oven for around 30 – 40 minutes or until the stock has been fully absorbed and the potatoes are crispy.

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