Blueberry Ice Cream WW


I tried the cottage cheese ice cream hack! I will admit that I was skeptical, but I am pleasantly surprised. I used:
•1 cup of cottage cheese
• a dash of vanilla extract
• Stevia to taste
• 1 cup Frozen blueberries
I blended the cottage cheese, vanilla and Stevia quite a while in my ‘very old’ mini cuisinart. It took quite a while for it to become smooth, then I added the frozen blueberries and blended it some more.

Use Fat Free Cottage Cheese and It’ll be zero point for each ice cream bowl.. Enjoy

Toaster oven Pizza

Toaster oven Pizza 1 point this toaster oven pizza is  a  1 point pizza snack Your first bite into this crunchy, cheesy pizza will trigger a

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