2 Ingredient dough Pizza


2 ingredient dough works pretty well for this pizza

1/2 cup of self rising flour

1/2 cup of plain ff Greek Yogurt

You can add some italian seasonings or maybe your favorite seasonings

heat at 450 degrees for 5

than add mozarella, sauces and other topings

Bake for another 10 minute

What about points: When I cut 6 pieces came out 2 pts each (only when you use turkey pepperoni) 3-4 point with regular pepperoni, Enjoy

.Another Alternative version for Topping: dusted crust with garlic powder and a sprinkle if of olive oil to get crispy . Then topped with crushed tomatoes , fresh mozzarella and fresh basil . Baked on 450 till crispy – so so good !!!!!

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Zero Point Cheesecake

I’m not sure who posted this Greek yogurt cheesecake yesterday but I made it today with a Twist and thank you!!!! Not sure if this

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WW Chocolate Frosty

Sharon Kelly INGREDIENTS1 Cup of Unsweetened Almond Milk2 Tablespoons of Sugar-Free Fat-Free Chocolate Pudding Mix or Vanilla, Butterscotch, Pistachio – pick your favorite flavor.1 teaspoon

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